Wednesday, October 29, 2008
nice knowing you! (:
but you gotta leave now okay!!!!
i throw away my bad habit at MW....
where it started!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
i support hull city also
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
i hope they qualify for uefa cup or champions league
TEAM Serious mcginnis your eyes just shine and you smile just bring the world to an eclipse. says:
impossible ah
TEAM Serious mcginnis your eyes just shine and you smile just bring the world to an eclipse. says:
uefa can ah
EAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
champions league
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
hull city vs barcelona
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
if they can maintain this standard...end of the season they will be third place
TEAM Serious mcginnis your eyes just shine and you smile just bring the world to an eclipse. says:
TEAM Serious mcginnis your eyes just shine and you smile just bring the world to an eclipse. says:
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
or smth..
TEAM Serious mcginnis your eyes just shine and you smile just bring the world to an eclipse. says:
but it will be interesting
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
and entertaining definitely..
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
master league
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
promoted in 1 season, then win the league
TEAM Serious mcginnis your eyes just shine and you smile just bring the world to an eclipse. says:
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
then win champions league the nxt season
TEAM Serious mcginnis your eyes just shine and you smile just bring the world to an eclipse. says:
rubbish larrr
TEAM Serious mcginnis your eyes just shine and you smile just bring the world to an eclipse. says:
unless u can plug a controller in thier body thn you control
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
set ah!
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
if possible i dont mind
TEAM Serious mcginnis your eyes just shine and you smile just bring the world to an eclipse. says:
TEAM Serious mcginnis your eyes just shine and you smile just bring the world to an eclipse. says:
skali they win barce
TEAM Serious oLiver i'm home says:
like winning eleven sia
Saturday, October 25, 2008
avenged sevenfold
went to A7X concert man!!!!
YEAHHHH.... \m/
SO on the day itself, went there with syaf and up at tanah merah mrt...
around 5.30...
When we reached there, quite disssappppointting larrrr...
was expecting gila babi alot of people..but was okay larrr...
while hanging around at max pavilion waiting for the concert to start,
there was a fight!0_o
scary shit...but its was over in like 5 mins?
because the police came in and stop them
so they talk and talk and talk....finally they hugged each there! (what the fuck right?) and done!
so at about 730 the gates(actually door larr but gates sound kewler)
then all rush in....
the security check was what the fuck larrrr!
After fighting our way thru...we manage to get it!
actually our position was not bad larr..
after we got in...we waited....
but at 815, some werid band came in and played...
was not bad actually but we WANT A7X
okay, enough typing..let the photos do the talking...
Fucking shit! syaf acting cute..
hello IRNI!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
fucking shit...hahahhaa....there is no angels and demons...
all hallucination..
make me excited for nothing.....
damn sad ah for Mark Wahlberg.....): tried so hard
anyway.... I IS sick...dont know why....
no fever..but sore throAT like shiet....
Mas, you IS evil!!!!! hhahahaa
This SEm module like not bad only...hahhHAHHA....
except for C prog!!!! fuck the C throw the prog...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
tea or coffee?
who can lend me his/her ears ?
I am lost....
by the way....
Monday, October 6, 2008
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog
Starting time: 3.32am
Name: bahruddin
Sisters: 0
Brothers: 0
Shoe size: 9
Height: 168cm
Where do you live: bedok north
Favourite drinks: errrrr..... caramel macchiato
Favourite breakfast: I am not a breakfast kid
Have you ever
Been on a plane: yea
Swam in the ocean: yeah
Fallen asleep at school: who doesnt
Broken someone's heart: yea
Fell off your chair: hmmm...not sure eh
Waited for someone to call: no
Saved emails: yeah
What is your room like: my room is a bedroom.
What's right beside you: a cup of water
What is the last thing you ate: sweets
Ever had
Chicken pox: no
Sore throat: yes
Stitches: errrr
Broken nose: nope
Do you
Believe in love at first sight: maybe
Like picnics: YES!! totally!
Who was/were the last person
You danced with: errrrr.....
Last made you smile: i always smile for no reason
You last yelled at: i scold FUCK
Today did you
Talk to someone you like:
Kissed anyone: no
Get sick: nah...
Talk to an ex: no
Miss someone: yeah definitely
Eat: lunch and dinner
Best feeling in the world: talk rubbish with syaf!
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: nope.
What's under your bed: my neighbour
Who do you really hate: i donnoe
What time is it now: 3.43am
Is there a person who is on your mind now: yes!! widad knows who!!!
Do you have any siblings: ...............
Do you want children: in the future, yeah..
Do you smile often: i dont like to repeat my answer(s)
Do you like your hand-writing: yes!
Are your toe nails painted: wohooo!
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: widad can answer that for you..hahahahah!
What color shirt are you wearing now: white
What were you doing at 7.00 p.m. yesterday: errrr...sleeping?
When did you cry last: i dont know
Are you a friendly person: YES I AM!! people love me!!! hahaha
Do you have any pets? no
Where is the person you have feelings for right now: I dont know seriously..
Did you hold hands with the person who mean anything to you now: CAN'T! widad knows why!!! hahahahah
Do you sleep with the TV on: no
What are you doing right now: trying to sleep
Have you ever crawled through a window: i think i did
Can you handle the truth: YES! I IS BRAVE
Are you too forgiving: yea...
Are you closer to your mother or father? both
Who was the last person you cried in front of: mum
How many people can you say you've really loved: what?
Do you eat healthy: no!
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: not sure eh
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you: nope
IF you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: oliver and syaf and widad.
Are you confident: maybe?
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. I was a first-class jackas.
2. I suck at soccer last time.
3. geek.
4. POWER RANGER!! hahahh..
5. love cursing people for the fun.
5 things on my to-do list today
2. errrr....?
3. listen to music
4. drink water
5. brush my teeth after
5 snacks I enjoy
1. errr
2. I
3. Dont
4. eerrr
5. know?
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. renovate my house ah!
2. travel the world!
3. give my parents
4. invest ?
5. things that is under the coffee family!!! espresso machine.grind machine and more.
5 of my bad points
1. I dont know why bt i love her so much..( widad knows who i am talking about (:)
2. think too much
3. love expensive haircuts
4.crazy over nice hairdo/haircuts/hairstyle
5 people I tag
1. Adilla(badilla! haah)
2. widad!(teheee!)
5.Khalis!(sorry ah...sabo u again!)
Sunday, October 5, 2008

I really like lily(real name:emily osment) her character like damn kewl arr..
shes a skater..she do all kind of sports.. the important thing is that shes funny!
dammit! why the starbucks citylink branch have to open november!!!!
/I need more cash for my London trip!!!!! fucking shit asshole/